Thank you for visiting. This site is to show a bit of my personal artistic side. I hope you'll find something that interests you. Those of you who know me via The Beatles circles might be surprised at what you find. Those of you who know me via PJ Harvey, Steve Albini and Iggy Pop circles should find it right in line. For many of my personal friends, family and acquaintances, you've probably known it already.

I call myself a musician and producer
because I play musical instruments, create songs and produce recordings. However, I'm not terribly proficient in anything; more a "jack-of-all-trades", if you will. I just do what I do and come up with an eclectic batch of results. I participate in a variety of collaborations with close friends and associates.
These folks bear great influence on my visions. Please be sure to visit their sections of this site.

My closest collaborator is Kira Jones with whom I have had a musical partnership for over a decade.
You can find much about me and my work in her section.

Currently, most of the site is still under construction. The most up to date is Kira's section.

Chazz Avery
(a.k.a. Worm)

Best viewed at 1024x768

Nothing in a while

Chazz Avery

If you are a fan of The Beatles, please check out my great Beatles websites.
You won't be disappointed!

The Beatles TV Appearance Quick-Reference Guide

Also, please visit my Carina Round website
Carina is a vibrant and vital artist who deserves a listen

I also do digital photo restoration
Currently, I don't have a website for it
but, examples of my work can be viewed HERE.
If interested, drop me an email for pricing.