I try to make this more than a simple photo gallery. As with the rest of TheBeatleSource, I have tried to focus on neglected or overlooked specifics regarding The Beatles. I have also tried to keep the photos relative to The Beatles' performances or recordings. I also hope to clear up a few mysteries.



The Savage Young Beatles

Control Room Monitor Mixes
Nov 1966-May 1967

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
Late 1967

John's Home Studio

Various dates

Studio Pics of Acetates and Master Reels
Late September 1968

"White Album" Dinner Time
25 January 1969

Twickenham Film Studios

late February 1969

Mystery Apple Session
February or March 1969

Unknown Paul Apple visit
11 March 1969

Jackie Lomax Session

Early March 1969

Unfinished Music No. 2

TV Appearance Quick Reference Guide